I don't even know what this is! This sort of thing ain't my bag, baby!

Age 39, Male

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SlashFirestorm's News

Posted by SlashFirestorm - January 26th, 2009

John Edward is an ass, but Peter Popoff is a dangerous ass, and I'm wondering why the fuck the FDA and/or FCC can't kick his scaly ass off the air.

See, Peter Popoff is one of those "faith healers"---those nuts who think screaming GAWD ALMIGHTY and whacking someone can cure them of things like heart disease and cancer. Well, THEY don't believe that---they know perfectly well what they're doing---but their less-than-brilliant followers eat it up, and will waste their money and risk their health and life in the process.

Popoff is currently pushing "miracle manna", which is supposed to be an ancient biblical food that cures illness and brings wealth (if you actually read the recipe in the Bible, which involves human feces, it, uh, doesn't sound too healthy). I'm already pissed at all the goddamn medicine commercials on television, trying to make everyone feel like they're dying and needing to spend money to save their lives, but THIS crap is outright lying.

James Randi, the famous magician and paranormal skeptic, busted Popoff's scams back in the 80's (his knowledge of the audience, given to him "from God", was actually eavesdropped info being transmitted by his wife to his earpiece). The exposure temporarily bankrupted the shithead, but he's back and still scamming with fake medicine and fake promises. Please make sure to vigorously inform anyone stupid enough to fall for the lies spewed by Popoff and those like him.

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Posted by SlashFirestorm - August 28th, 2008

Glorious day! After digging through my closet for like, an hour and a half to chase a roach (I cannot sleep if I know one is alive in my room), I found something behind the Halloween boxes. A blast from the past, you might say.

Here's a hint.

Hello, my name is Slash Firestorm, and I am really really really really really really gay.

Slash shall return. Secret Episodes will return. And while the Barney Bunch may be gone, things may get REALLY GAY!

Behold the first fruits of my labor---Tenchi's Destiny, Part One: Scared Straight! Give it a look! :-D

After I finish the next chapter of Sinners, I may put together another Secret Episode Special. Wouldn't that be grand? :-D


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Posted by SlashFirestorm - August 27th, 2008

Found this video while browsing the Youtube. It's from the eighth Touhou Project game, Imperishable Night. I thought Mushihime-sama Futari looked insane...

Anyone capable of winning this is fucking insane.

(Sped up to skip to boss fights)

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Posted by SlashFirestorm - August 5th, 2008

Final scene from season one of Code Geass. SPOILERS OKAY FUCK

There is no way that they're going to be able to re-voice this as good as the original Japanese voices. :-(


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Posted by SlashFirestorm - July 25th, 2008

You'll see the number 3.


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Take a closer look.

Posted by SlashFirestorm - June 20th, 2008

Here's a sketch of a scene from Sinners, drawn by one of my best internet buddies and story fans. I am again happy and humbled that people actually take the time to draw art based on my writing, heh.

That's all for now. I have to finish up with the next chapter of Sinners...getting closer to the deadline.


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Sinners sketch!

Posted by SlashFirestorm - June 9th, 2008

President Bush doesn't believe that the country is in a recession...in fact, he thinks his little "stimulus checks" are making a difference.

But nope. Not a damn bit. Gas prices are still skyrocketing, food prices are skyrocketing, the dollar is weakening, and jobs are being lost around the country.

Jobs like the one my dad had less than twenty-four hours ago.

You know, it's easy to look at the downward trends, the negative reports, the bad numbers, and think it doesn't really affect you. Easy to hear so-and-so company has laid off twenty thousand jobs and say "so what? It ain't mine."

Well, sometimes it is yours.

My dad has been working at Albertson's for over a decade, and in the food service industry since I was a kid. He worked his way up the company over the years, going from check-out boy to manager. The pay wasn't superb, but it was enough to get by reasonably comfortably.

And when I was young...I think 7 or 8...the Albertson's where my dad worked was robbed. And my dad was shot in the leg. He survived, and without any crippling aftereffects, but it changed his life forever, even if he doesn't talk about it much.

But today I find out that Publix has bought out all the Albertson's stores in the region, and most of the workers---particularly the high-ranking ones getting large paychecks---are being laid off. As in fired. As in, there goes your job security and the work of over ten years and the paycheck you need to pay the mortgage and the power bill and the water bill and the food and the gas and everything else that's ticking skyward.

My father, who took a fucking bullet for the company and his family, is damn near certain to be in those numbers. And so, for a family of nine, with four kids under the age of ten struggling to get by, things are about to get a lot harder.

Remember that the next time you listen to the news and hear about thousands of lay-offs and try to ignore it.

One of them is my father.

Next time it might be yours.

And a stimulus check won't feed you for very long.


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Posted by SlashFirestorm - June 1st, 2008

You know, a few years ago, when I was fresh out of high school, International Baccalaureate diploma in my hand, I wanted to be a lawyer. I wanted to be in the legal system and help fight for justice. So I enrolled in my first law classes, expecting to see something noble and right.

Instead, I was disillusioned in less than a semester. In only a few months and a few books and a few trips down to the courthouse and a few talks with judges and attorneys, my idealism was shattered. It only took me a few months to see the truth first-hand.

There are actually some people in this country who think we have a functional justice system. There are also radical right-wingers who seem to think military members are incapable of doing wrong.

I wish both were right.

But they're not.

And here's a recent example.


AP---JACKSON, Mich. - An Iraq war veteran accused of raping his 3-month-old daughter in Michigan pleaded guilty to attempted child abuse.

Former Army paratrooper Kirk Coleman entered his plea Friday after prosecutors agreed to drop charges of criminal sexual conduct and child abuse.

Authorities said Coleman attacked the baby in September in a home west of Detroit. She suffered brain damage and broken bones.

The 27-year-old faces up to five years in prison.

You know, things like this make me question my pacifism. People like this monster and the monsters who all but pardoned him invite my hands to wrap around their throat and squeeze.

This isn't a case of shaking the baby. The man raped his infant daughter. The baby suffered brain damage and broken bones and lord knows what other injuries that the papers don't want to detail. But instead of rape charges...instead of the attempted murder charges that this should obviously warrant...instead of locking this bastard up for the rest of his miserable life...he gets away with it. Attempted child abuse.

Sounds like it fucking succeeded to me.

Interesting that they don't put the names of the prosecutors in the article. Smart, too. Because they're just as guilty as the spineless coward who raped his daughter.

Five years. Which, in the American justice system, will likely end up as less than half of that. That's how long he's being punished. He'll be out just in time for his daughter to be old enough to understand that there's a person behind her injuries, and that such a so-called person might drop by again.

Justice isn't just blind. It's been raped and killed, both by the corrupted shits who walk into the courthouse and the corrupted judges and prosecutors and defense attorneys who let them walk out. It was assaulted by paroles and plea deals and finished off by the never-ending flow of cash that corrodes justice as thoroughly as acid.

I better stop now before I make certain threats that might get me in trouble. I don't have a tarted-up war record to win sympathy or the money it takes to bribe the judges and prosecutors.

Posted by SlashFirestorm - March 31st, 2008

This is a directory of links for all of my fanfiction and writing work. They used to be hosted on Newgrounds as well as AdultFanFiction.net, but it was a pain in the ass to have to re-format the stories to work on NG...plus I was too lazy to edit them on more than one site...so now they remain solely on AFF.

A couple things to note.

1. Don't be scared off by the "YOU MUST BE OVER 18 OR ELSE" page that you get when you first go to AFF. It's just a simple legal disclaimer so no one can sue them if mommy catches her 13 year old fapping to yaoi. Just type in some gibberish and a random birthday---that's what I do.

2. I have my AFF account set up so anyone can review my stories, member or not. Feel free to drop me a review there---I respond to every single one.



1. Sinners
Summary: The bond between a trainer and his Gardevoir goes from devotion to forbidden love---and that love may be the only hope the world has left.
Tags: Abuse, Anal, Angst, Beast, D/s, H/C, HJ, Humil, Language, M/F, N/C, OC, Oral, SoloF, SoloM, Tort, Violence, WAFF, WIP

For a complete list of chapters and arcs (each arc is placed into a separate story for the sake of easy management), check out the Sinners Archive.

2. How Many Licks Does It Take...
Summary: How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Gardevoir? (Sinners Halloween Special)
Tags: Beast, COMPLETE, M/F, OC, Oneshot, Oral, PWP, WAFF

3. Afterglow
Summary: There just might be a little magic left in this downtrodden world after all. (Sinners Valentine's Special)
Tags: Beast, COMPLETE, HJ, M/F, OC, Oneshot, Oral, WAFF

4. Come Whatever Storms
Summary: The sky may be turning dark, but the love between these two will guide them through the roughest of storms. (Sinners Anniversary Special)
Tags: Beast, COMPLETE, M/F, OC, Oneshot, Oral, WAFF

5. Liek, use thundershock okay
Summary: Ash comes up against a significantly better opponent. Or does the opponent cum up against him? (Not Sinners-related, lol)
Tags: Anal, Beast, Bond, COMPLETE, DP, Humil, N/C, Oneshot

6. Shadows of the Night
Summary: Sometimes you have to realize that it's not just about you anymore. (Sinners Christmas oneshot)
Tags: Angst, Anthro, Oneshot

7. Empty Hourglass
Summary: No matter how far they run, no one can outrun time. (Sinners gift-fic/fourth anniversary oneshot)
Tags: Angst, COMPLETE, M/F, MCD, OC, Oneshot



1. Peace On Earth
Summary: Jesus and Muhammad looked down on the world, saddened that their followers lacked the love that they shared.
Tags: Anal, M/M, Oneshot, Oral


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Posted by SlashFirestorm - March 31st, 2008

This is an archive of all uploaded chapters of the Pokemon romance novel Sinners. This directory is for the main Sinners story only; oneshots and companion pieces can be found in the main writing index.


Chapter 1: Enter Slash
Chapter 2: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 3: The Man With Demon Eyes
Chapter 4: Searching For Answers
Chapter 5: Birds And The Bees
Chapter 6: Campfires And Sweet Dreams
Chapter 7: Something Ill In The Wind
Chapter 8: Playing With Fire
Chapter 9: Flame And Thunder
Chapter 10: Interlude: Under The Summer Sun
Chapter 11: Clouded Future
Chapter 12: Hearts Breaking Even
Chapter 13: Together
Chapter 14: Fear
Chapter 15: Running With The Devil
Chapter 16: From Tonight Until The End Of Time


Chapter 17: Rising Sun, Gathering Storm
Chapter 18: Interlude: Dissonance
Chapter 19: Death From Above
Chapter 20: Lines Of Force
Chapter 21: For We Are All Sinners
Chapter 22: Other Worlds Than These
Chapter 23: Shadow's Marionette
Chapter 24: Eclipsed
Chapter 25: Tainted
Chapter 26: Twisted
Chapter 27: Breaking Bonds
Chapter 28: Corrupted
Chapter 29: Cataclysm
Chapter 30: The Demon Dreams
Chapter 31: The Demon Stirs
Chapter 32: The Demon Feasts (in progress)


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Sinners Archive