Glorious day! After digging through my closet for like, an hour and a half to chase a roach (I cannot sleep if I know one is alive in my room), I found something behind the Halloween boxes. A blast from the past, you might say.
Here's a hint.
Hello, my name is Slash Firestorm, and I am really really really really really really gay.
Slash shall return. Secret Episodes will return. And while the Barney Bunch may be gone, things may get REALLY GAY!
Behold the first fruits of my labor---Tenchi's Destiny, Part One: Scared Straight! Give it a look! :-D
After I finish the next chapter of Sinners, I may put together another Secret Episode Special. Wouldn't that be grand? :-D
Hey, nice job on the fanfiction, i fianally decided to read it and it turned out way better than i thought it would be, i now can't wait for the next chapter, keep up the good work.
Glad you like it, heh. I'm writer's-blocking on 24, but it'll be done soon enough.