This is a directory of links for all of my fanfiction and writing work. They used to be hosted on Newgrounds as well as, but it was a pain in the ass to have to re-format the stories to work on I was too lazy to edit them on more than one now they remain solely on AFF.
A couple things to note.
1. Don't be scared off by the "YOU MUST BE OVER 18 OR ELSE" page that you get when you first go to AFF. It's just a simple legal disclaimer so no one can sue them if mommy catches her 13 year old fapping to yaoi. Just type in some gibberish and a random birthday---that's what I do.
2. I have my AFF account set up so anyone can review my stories, member or not. Feel free to drop me a review there---I respond to every single one.
1. Sinners
Summary: The bond between a trainer and his Gardevoir goes from devotion to forbidden love---and that love may be the only hope the world has left.
Tags: Abuse, Anal, Angst, Beast, D/s, H/C, HJ, Humil, Language, M/F, N/C, OC, Oral, SoloF, SoloM, Tort, Violence, WAFF, WIP
For a complete list of chapters and arcs (each arc is placed into a separate story for the sake of easy management), check out the Sinners Archive.
2. How Many Licks Does It Take...
Summary: How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Gardevoir? (Sinners Halloween Special)
Tags: Beast, COMPLETE, M/F, OC, Oneshot, Oral, PWP, WAFF
3. Afterglow
Summary: There just might be a little magic left in this downtrodden world after all. (Sinners Valentine's Special)
Tags: Beast, COMPLETE, HJ, M/F, OC, Oneshot, Oral, WAFF
4. Come Whatever Storms
Summary: The sky may be turning dark, but the love between these two will guide them through the roughest of storms. (Sinners Anniversary Special)
Tags: Beast, COMPLETE, M/F, OC, Oneshot, Oral, WAFF
5. Liek, use thundershock okay
Summary: Ash comes up against a significantly better opponent. Or does the opponent cum up against him? (Not Sinners-related, lol)
Tags: Anal, Beast, Bond, COMPLETE, DP, Humil, N/C, Oneshot
6. Shadows of the Night
Summary: Sometimes you have to realize that it's not just about you anymore. (Sinners Christmas oneshot)
Tags: Angst, Anthro, Oneshot
7. Empty Hourglass
Summary: No matter how far they run, no one can outrun time. (Sinners gift-fic/fourth anniversary oneshot)
Tags: Angst, COMPLETE, M/F, MCD, OC, Oneshot
1. Peace On Earth
Summary: Jesus and Muhammad looked down on the world, saddened that their followers lacked the love that they shared.
Tags: Anal, M/M, Oneshot, Oral
For the story Sinners, I've read the first chapter and it sounds interesting to me. Perhaps you could find somebody to make flashes out of these.
You should read the entire 21 chapters currently completed first. Things get very, very different. Chapter one starts the story out as a typical trainer tale, whereas the chapters that follow make it clear that Sinners is anything but.