I don't even know what this is! This sort of thing ain't my bag, baby!

Age 39, Male

[Retired NG'er]

Old Folks' Home

Joined on 6/14/03

Exp Points:
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Level 36

Posted by SlashFirestorm - December 15th, 2009

Which I achieved some time ago and forgot to mention, lol.

Nice. Even as inactive as I am, my e-penis is continuing to grow large and intimidating. When I inevitably get bored of the world and return here, to my place of refuge, my comeback shall be even more glorious. Secret Episodes shall rain from the sky and I will shoot back up the B/P ranks and all those in my path shall perform fellatio upon me.

Oh my, yes.


[Back to Slash's Index Page]


Oh, I didn't notice your clearly awesome level-up. Too busy fanboygasming all over the newest Brackenwood, you see. Congratulations!

Hm, I'll have to check it out. Assuming my shitty-with-video computer can run it well enough, anyway.

Howdo i raise my level and get a bigger e-penis?

If you have to ask, you'll never know.

...although you can raise your level by voting on any five flash, which will earn you 10 EXP. You can get this EXP once a day (a NG day starts at 12 AM EST).

Happy birthday!

Thanks. :-D

Happy birthday Slash!(R u gonna fuck Psymakio to celebrate?)

If I could fuck a Gardevoir, she wouldn't go a single day without being fucked.

I know how 2 raise my level by the way, I just wanted 2 know more ways of doing it.(Submitting art is one way right?)

Nope. Voting on five flash per day is the only way.

Go on my profile and check out my art! What do u think?

It's okay.

U actually like the Rated-R dumbass Edge? WTF is your problem?

Uh, he's one of the most hard-working, physically impressive, charismatic workers in the industry?



Same thing goes here about fuckin Gardevoir!


No Edge is a lousy cheatin retarded lookin jackass! Look at his chin it look like he was laying flat on his back and someone kicked a field goal in his chin! And he actually fucked Vicki Guerrero!? He got swine flu! (By the way he aint comin back!)

You, uh...you do know that wrestling is scripted, right? That they're performers? That the heels are just as vital to the business as the faces and (usually) aren't actually dickheads in real life?

Wow Slash, we ALL know that wrestling is scripted and that just because a heel is a dickhead in the ring doesnt mean that he's a dickhead in real life. Way 2 kill a perfectly good joke.

Way to FAIL YOUR SARCASM, then, because, uh...yeah.

Wow, I never thought DX's mascot would actually be a Hornswoggle. And DX was in little peoples court and them little bastards chased them outta there! lol

I am so unhappy with wrestling right now that I'm *this* close to just swearing it off. Vince makes bad decisions and he should feel bad. In fact, all of WWE creative should be fucking fired. BAH

It's been declining in quality for years, but this is the absolute bottom (except maybe for the Eddie-sploitation period). Vince needs to get the fucking leprechaun off the show, stop with the retarded backstage segments, and get back to showing WRESTLING. sdfgsdgsdgsdfgsdfgsdgsdgsdfgsdfCO CKS

Whats up Slash? I got some new questions 2 ask u. (1) How's Sinners coming along?(U said u aint update it in a quarter year, which doesnt matter 2 me, I didnt learn about Sinners or Newgrounds until September of last year! lol) (2) Whats your opinion about Sheamus beating John Cena for the WWE Championship(Me I like that) (3) Whats your opinion about John Cena?( Im startin 2 hate his ass, he need to learn to wrestle.) (4) Whats your opinion about ECW? (Extremely Crappy Wrestling will soon be Tuesday Night Wrestling, bout time) (5)And whats your opinion about them gettin rid of PPVs such as Unforgiven, No Mercy, One Night Stand, Cyber Sunday, No Way Out, The Great American Bash, and Armageddon for new PPVs?(I think it sucks, blows, swallows, gags, chokes, and bites donkey dick! Vince is a dumbass.)

Sinners will be updated this month with a short chapter, followed by a longer one in February or March.

WWE can suck a dick, I've lost my patience with it. John Cena is still boring (I hear he might have an injury though, so maybe he'll be gone for a while. He might be a good worker, but his gimmick of being Superman is stale as fuck. Hopefully he'll turn heel sometime soon and become interesting again.

Sheamus being champ is better than Cena having it for the billionth time. But not by much.

ECW doesn't exist anymore. It hasn't existed for many years. Even when WWE first acquired it, they ruined it. It was depressing, seeing them start with a good number of incredible ECW vets, only to ruin them with shit storylines and drive them off. WWE ruins everything they touch.

I never watch PPV's, except for Wrestlemania, which I still never get to see live (I catch videos usually months later). But if they're trying to get people to pay to see their stale crap, then they're fools.

By the way, I OWN U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ok you flannery blaze and gardie? Foursome?

Oneshots, yes, lol. Not in the main story.

So . . I'm guessing you like the new hair? lol

I have been trying to send you the same "SEND ME AN EROTIC PICTURE OF YOU IN THAT SAME POSE" PM for like, a week now, lol. Short-haired girls are hawt.

Especially naked ones.

Undertaker rules! John Cena is a vagina!!! lol

Enjoy your Undertaker while you can. He won't be around much longer, I'm fearing.

Time, love, and tenderness only works for recovering from bad breakups, not decades of brutal wrestling.

Het Slash. (1) Whats your opinion of the Undertaker (2) Whad do u think about TNA? (3) Do u play the games? (4) And I can tell u like Bon Jovi by reading Sinners! lol

1. He's one of the greatest wrestlers in history, and it'll be a shame when his injuries force him to retire---which, judging from what I've heard, will be sadly soon.

2. It sucks. It could have been a worthy competitor to WWE, forcing Vince to improve his own programming to keep up...instead, they constantly push former WWE wrestlers over their own talent, engage in crap storylines, and now that they've hired Hogan? Well, the chances of a legitimate and accessible alternative to WWE are pretty much shot.

3. What, wrestling games? I only have a single one...a WCW game for the N64. It's actually not half bad.

4. Bon Jovi exists in their world. He exists in all worlds. In some worlds, he's their representation of the Dark Tower.

Whats up Slash? (1) U actually like Castform? That thing sucks! (2) How do I join clubs like the Pro-Pokemon club, the Elite Guard Barracks, and the Wrestling club? (3) And whould u actually stick yo dick in thunderclouds?(u a crazy ass motherfucker!) lol

1. You've never been hit by a Weather Ball during Sunny Day or Rain Dance, I take it.

2. You just ask for the Pokemon Club. For the Barracks (which I ran for a lengthy period of time), you'd need to have reached a minimum rank of Private (2500+ B/P) and have a Bronze Whistle or better, as well as being a responsible poster, reviewer, etc. For the wrestling club, you just ask.

3. Someone has to. FOR SCIENCE!

(1) TNA doesnt suck! ECW(Extremely Crappy Wrestling) and Raw sucks! (2) U got a WCW game? Is it WCW Mayhem? (3) U still got your N64? Good, I should kick my own ass for selling mine! (4) Fuckin electric clouds for science will destroy your manhood, Slash. (5) And whats it like 2 have a Gardevoir suck your dick?(its fuckin awesome!!!!)

1. TNA is just as crappy as WWE. Perhaps even more so. There is no readily-available and mainstream wrestling franchise worth watching in the states, which means that for those of us who can't afford to buy and/or import other products, we're screwed.

2. WCW vs NWO or something like that.

3. I have it, but it's nearly impossible to get to work, and all my controllers are worn down to the point of being nearly useless. It's not playable. I emulate any N64 games I might want to play, though I'll never get to experience the old thrills of games like Perfect Dark in their full glory again.

4. Not when your cock is made of pure sex.

5. Glorious, I presume.

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