SUMMARY: A storehouse of chips that is guarded by several traps---bouncing Balls, a deadly Paramecium, and a Clone Machine set to produce Teeth.
EXPERIENCE: This is a tough one. The chips are spread across the level, and the dangers are likewise numerous. Before I begin on my personal walkthrough, let me say that whatever you do, SAVE THE CHIP BETWEEN THE BALL AND THE RED BUTTON UNTIL YOU'RE READY TO SPRINT TO THE FINISH.
I start by getting the line of chips on the top of the level, being careful to avoid the Ball. Then go down into the lines of chips and isolate the Paramecium. When it's circling around a single chip, lunge in and grab it and then immediately back off, and you've got about a 50/50 chance of surviving. If not...well, at least you died early.
Clear the trail of chips and head to the lower right corner. Ignore the Clone Machine for now, and head into through the toggle door into the right-side enclave. Head up, grabbing all the chips and avoiding the Balls. For the Ball "wave" at the very top, use the technique you used in Tossed Salad, waiting until the Balls ricochet in front of you and then running forward, sticking to the wall. This section can only be completed going from right to left, so don't try to do it early.
After you make it through, head down to the Clone Machine and head left, grabbing the chips between the walls and around the Red Button. Save the chip between the Ball and the Button for last; grab it and race upwards, getting the last few chips against the left wall, and sprint to the exit.
The only hard part of the level, really, is snatching the last chip from the Paramecium. Once you take care of that, the rest is easy enough. Although, if you get the wrong chip too early, you might find yourself in a bad situation...like in the image below.
SCORE: 243 seconds remaining, 15430 points.
TOTAL SCORE: 221580 points.
This level was a little hectic, but in the next, Chip should just Go With The Flow.