I don't even know what this is! This sort of thing ain't my bag, baby!

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Chip's Challenge Help Index

Posted by SlashFirestorm - February 29th, 2008

My unofficial Chip's Challenge guide.

Alas, my former source for downloading the game is gone. If anyone knows of a download source, let me know via PM. I can also e-mail the required folders to people, if absolutely necessary; PM me for that, too.

If you want to track my progress and see my current passwords/high scores, check out my Adventure Index.

Notes, etc will be added as needed.



The instructions for the game tell that Chip is an aspiring young nerd who wants to get into your fellow nerd Melinda's computer club, the Bit Busters. Yeah, right.

Here's the real scoop: Chip wants to get laid. Badly. Melinda's willing to give herself to him...but first Chip must prove that he's smart enough to be worthy of tapping that ass.


Melinda's Clubhouse is a crazy ass place filled with her crazy experiments and challenges for Chip to conquer. It's full of puzzles and monsters and shit...not good news for our virgin hero.


Simple version: Chip must find his way to the Exit Square in every level. In most levels, the exit square (and sometimes other paths) will be blocked by a Chip Socket that can only be removed by collecting a sufficient number of computer chips.

Some levels have no chips to collect; some levels have extra chips; some have just enough chips, meaning that you'll need to pick up every single one.

Not all levels require chips; not all have time limits. Sometimes you just need to get the fuck up outta there.


These features compose the level structure.

STANDARD FLOOR---Light gray spaces. Anything can travel on them.

DIRT FLOOR---Blocks monsters and blocks, but turns to standard floor when Chip steps on it. Pushing a brown block into water will turn it into dirt, which must be packed down to cross over.

GRAVEL FLOOR---Monsters and blocks cannot go on gravel, but Chip can without restriction.

GRAY BLOCKS---Unmovable blocks that form the borders of the level and various walls and boundaries within them.

BROWN BLOCKS---Movable blocks that you can use for many purposes, such as redirecting monsters, creating paths over water, and placing on switches to activate them---or to bar enemy access to them. Items and traps can be hidden under them---only trial and error will reveal if something's underneath.

THIN WALLS---Bar access to adjacent squares, but do not take up any spaces themselves. Often used for mazes.

BLUE BLOCKS---Also called false blocks, these blocks may or may not be real. Touching them will turn them into a Gray Block if they are real, or make them disappear if they're not.

INVISIBLE WALLS---There are two varieties of invisible walls. One type becomes visible if touched, so you at least know its location; the second type stays invisible, requiring you to keep track of them in your head. Pain in the ass.

RECESSED WALLS---The squares with gray circles in them. Stepping on one turns it into a Gray Block---meaning that Chip can only cross a Recessed Wall square once per level. Be careful when crossing them, as it's easy to fuck yourself over and have to restart.

LOCKED DOORS---These doors require a key of the appropriate color to open.

BOMBS---Kill you on contact. They can be destroyed by using Brown Blocks or by directing monsters into them.

TOGGLE DOORS (GREEN BUTTON)---These doors alternate between opening and closing when a Green Button is pressed.

CLONE MACHINES (RED BUTTON)---The special gray squares with an item/monster on them. Will create a copy of the image whenever a Red Button is pressed.

BEAR TRAPS (BROWN BUTTON)---This brown circle space traps and holds anything that steps in them. Pressing a Brown Button will hold the trap open, allowing whatever is inside to escape. Use them to trap monsters where needed, and hold the buttons open with blocks (or trick monsters into stepping on them) when you need to cross.

BLUE BUTTON---Changes the direction of Tank enemies.

TELEPORTS---Blue circles that send you to another location when stepped on. Monsters and blocks can go through them, as well. Entering them from different directions may send you to different locations.

FORCE FLOOR---Acts like a conveyor belt, dragging you in the specified direction. You can step off them sideways, and can walk on them without difficulty with Suction Boots.

FIRE---Kills you on contact unless you're wearing Fire Boots.

WATER---Kills you on contact unless you're wearing Flippers.

ICE---You slide along ice in straight lines, at the mercy of directional walls, unless you have Ice Skates.

HINT SPACES---Step on them to get a hint about the level. They become increasingly rare after level eight. Keep in mind that the clock keeps ticking when you're reading them.

SPIES---Stepping on a Spy makes you lose all your tools (not keys).


Gather it whenever you can.

KEYS---Open colored doors. Green Keys can be used multiple times; all other keys are single-use. You can carry more than one of a type of key.

FIRE BOOTS---Let you cross fire.

FLIPPERS---Let you swim across water.

ICE SKATES---Let you walk across ice without sliding.

SUCTION BOOTS---Let you walk on Force Floors without being carried away.


Be on guard; some are predictable, some are not. Chip has no weapons, and can only evade enemies. There are some ways to trick them into dying, however, such as luring them into a Bomb or Bear Trap. Keep in mind that all enemies can trigger buttons. Loosely rated according to threat posed.

PINK BALLS---LOL. They bounce back and forth in straight lines.

TANKS---Travel in a straight line until they hit something. Whenever a Blue Button is pressed, all tanks in the level reverse direction and again go straight until collision.

BUGS---Bugs follow the left wall.

PARAMECIA---These fucks follow the right wall.

FIREBALLS---Turn to their right when they hit an object.

GLIDERS---Turn to their left when they hit any object. Only enemy that can travel across water.

WALKERS---Turn in a random direction when they hit any object. Unpredictable and dangerous.

TEETH---These fucks chase you. They're not smart enough to go around obstacles in their way, but they're relentless. One of the most dangerous enemies.

BLOBS---Green slime monsters. They move completely randomly, making them exceedingly dangerous. Getting within one square of a blob could be the last mistake you ever make.


What you'll be doing if you beat the game.

LEVEL BONUS: 500 x (level number)
TIME BONUS: 10 x (seconds remaining)

You lose 20% of the level bonus every time you die or restart in a level. This penalty can be avoided by going back to the previous level and then forward again by hitting CTRL+P and then CTRL+N. However, this may prevent you from getting the "SHE WANTS IT" effect described below.


Melinda may be playing hard (as fuck) to get, but she still wants Chip's huge nerd cock inside her. If you struggle and die enough times in a level, she may give you the option to skip to the next one. However, you will get no points for the skipped level until you complete it.

Just dying doesn't seem to be enough---ie, jumping into water next to the starting point. The game seems to have some requirement for what it considers "effort"---whether it's spaces traveled or something, I don't know. Doing the back-and-forth trick described above to avoid death/restart penalties seems to prevent the skip option from coming up.

In any case, it's wussy to do so.


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I remember playing this game when I was young

Yep. I don't remember how old I was when I first played it, but...before high school, for sure. Shit, lol.

Chip's Challenge is a great example of a classic game that doesn't need perfect graphics. <3

i never completed that game. How hot must Melinda be for Chip to actually do that shit.

She's a sexy-nerd. You know, the kind of nerd that hides a perfect body underneath the glasses and braces and turtleneck.

Incidentally, I never understood why people went so wild over the 'popular girls'. Under their unrevealing clothing and dorkiness, the nerds have the same goodies---hell, usually better ones.