Scientology is a dangerous cult responsible for countless cases of physical and mental abuse of its followers.
It charges hundreds of thousands of dollars for salvation.
It stalks, harasses, sues, and censors those who oppose it, using personal and intimate information gleaned in "auditing sessions" and "security checks" against them.
Members who leave the cult---and the cult's most outspoken critics---are often placed under Condition of Enemy---also known as Fair Game. According to actual official Scientology documents, they "may be deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed."
Numerous high ranking members, including Mary Sue Hubbard herself, have pleaded guilty or been convicted of robbing government offices, tampering with federal documents, and lying about it.
Lives have been ruined. Lives have been lost. Blood and sorrow and money fuel the monster that L. Ron Hubbard left behind as his vile legacy.
This is a first-hand account from a member of Scientology who came back from beyond the "Wall of Fire"---OT III. That's when the followers, after having spent thousands of dollars, are told the story of the Galactic Overlord Xenu, who killed billions of Thetans by tossing atomic bombs into volcanoes.
That's just the silly part, a fairy tale. It's not dangerous in itself, just insane. No, it's the practice, not the theory, that makes Scientology the most powerful and dangerous cult in the world. NOT a religion---a cult. A scam. A threat.
Educate yourself. Defend yourself. Kneel to no one, and do not let your words be silenced.
Spread the word.
Scientology is a shitty, money-greedy, brainwashing cult. I hope Anon fucking tears their site (and cult) a new one.
Glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks those people are wrong.
(I also hope they die in a fire.)
We must find a way to destroy their Thetans.
L. Ron had a way to "exteriorize" them---shooting someone in the head with a Colt .45 (not making this up)---but not to destroy them
If we had an anti-Thetan device, we could send them Scientologists scurrying!