SUMMARY: A system of Bug-patrolled strangely-shaped rooms that are rumored to hide some amazing secrets.
EXPERIENCE: The level itself isn't too hard. Each room has a chip or two, with a few rooms being patrolled by relatively harmless Bugs. So why is this level so important? Why is it specifically mentioned in the game's help files as being "the most important level for you"?
Look at the rooms. Notice anything? They're shaped like letters. You can beat this level and go on your merry way, but you can also keep track of the room shapes and come up with three passwords for other levels!
Instead of making you chart them, I'll list them here.
LLIO---Level 82, Socialist Action
HPPX---Level 137, Gold Key
JHEN---Level 146, Cake Walk
Apparently (although I have not independently confirmed this) you can only access levels 146+ by using the password found in Cypher; otherwise the game will end at level 145.
SCORE: 292 seconds remaining, 19920 points.
TOTAL SCORE: 358480 points.
I'll tuck the passwords aside for now and continue forward normally. The next level, Lemmings, awaits.
u no wut at least im honest ok
Giving out your personal information on the internet doesn't equal honesty. It equals stupidity. Years back, I listed my cell number on my old livejournal once and I got creepy phone calls for several months after.
Needless to say, I learned my lesson.
Please direct any further conversation on this to your blog where I commented. This blog will be swept away by more Chip's Challenge levels soon.