I don't even know what this is! This sort of thing ain't my bag, baby!

Age 39, Male

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Liek, use Thundershock okay

Posted by SlashFirestorm - January 30th, 2009

What would have happened if Brock hadn't taken Ash's under-the-table bribe.


Onix reared its massive stone body up into the air, dwarfing the boy from Pallet and his electric rat.

"It's a one-on-one battle this time, Ketchum!" Brock shouted, fully intent on sending this greenhorn back to the little dump of a town he came from.

"Fine!" Ash chittered in idiotic lunacy. "Pikachu, I choose you!"

Pikachu jumped and looked at Ash in bewildered confusion. What the fucking fuck? Is this guy on crack? I'm going to tell him to fuck himself.

"Pika pi! Pika!!!"

Ash raised a fist in the air and cheered. "That's the spirit, Pikachu! You can do it!"

With a frown, Pikachu turned away, nose in the air. There's no way I'm doing this. If he wants to be an idiot, fine, but I am not getting my ass kicked by a thirty foot rock-snake just because numbnuts over there doesn't know what he's doing.

Seeing Pikachu's refusal, Ash gritted his teeth and whispered just loudly enough for only the small yellow Pokemon to hear.

"It fights the Onix in the Gym or else it gets the rape again."

Pikachu's beady little eyes flashed open in terror at that, and cursing in Pika-language, sighed and turned to the enormous Onix.

"Alright! Pikachu, Thundershock!"


"I SAID, use Thundershock, dammit!"


Knowing just how stupid this was, but not wanting to get Ash's greasy three-inch cock in his ass again, Pikachu unleashed a powerful bolt of electricity at the titanic beast...

...which harmlessly dissipated as it struck.

Brock and Onix both stared at Ash in amazement. The Pewter City gym leader had fought some pretty stupid trainers before, but this guy? Electricity against a ground type?!

"You've got him on the run, Pikachu!" Ash shouted joyfully, totally oblivious to his own immense retardation. "Follow up with a MIGHTY THUNDER ATTACK!"

This time, Pikachu also turned to his master and sweatdropped. I don't know Thunder, and even if I did, it'd be just as useless! I'm going to call him a gigantic douchebag.

"Pika pi pi!"

"...come on, Pikachu! Thunder! Oh, oh, better, use ZAP CANNON! NO! EVEN BETTER! Fissure it! ONE HIT KILL HAHAH!"

Brock's patience snapped as he heard the moron babble on. Obviously this one had cheated on his Trainer Certification Exams.

"You fucking idiot! What is your problem!?" Brock shouted. "Onix is a ground type. You could be a level 255 ZAPDOS WITH A MAGNET AND USE THUNDER AND STILL NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN!"

"That's not true!" Ash replied indignantly. "If you believe in yourself and your Pokemon, the power of friendship can beat ANYTHING!"

"I don't care if you're having sexual relations with Pikachu---"

"I am."

"---but electricity DOES NOT HIT GROUND TYPES!"

Ash snorted in disbelief, and turned away. "I'm going. Maybe, when you learn what being a Pokemon Trainer is REALLY about, maybe then I'll return."

"Me? I'm the one who needs to know what being a trainer is about?!" Brock yelled angrily.

"Yes. You think Pokemon is about crazy things, like 'strategy', and 'planning', and 'thinking before you act'. Any GOOD trainer knows that it's about blindly rushing into situations and shouting random orders to your Pokemon."

"THAT'S IT!" Brock roared, and Ash spun around in fear at his enraged voice. "Onix! Bind this retard!"


The enormous rock-snake wrapped its powerful body around Ash, just tight enough that the trainer was hopelessly pinned.

"Let me go! I'll tell Officer Jenny!"

Brock laughed derisively. "Officer Jenny's far too addicted to my cock to care what a runt like you has to say." He leaned in to the young boy, a perverse grin alighting his face. "Now...I think it's time to teach you a lesson...about what happens when you don't know your basic type alignments."

Snapping his fingers, Onix slightly shifted his rough grip, shredding Ash's clothing off and leaving his skin red and raw. The boy yelped in pain, then flushed in embarrassment; his lower body was visible to Brock and anyone else who entered the Gym.

"What are you doing!?" Ash cried, struggling to free himself. Pikachu grimaced at the sight of his trainer's cock, and ran out of the Gym in a hurry (where he'd eventually get over that horrid time of his life and return to the wild, where he'd continue pimp-dominating the female Pikachu population with an iron fist and a huge set of Light Balls).

"You need a wake-up call, boy. If you think being an idiot is going to work in the real world, you have another thing coming. What do you think would happen if you came up against Team Rocket with that little electric rat?"

"We'd Thundershock them, and they'd fly into the air, never to bother us again."

"Nope. They'd go get a Golem or something, snap Pikachu's neck, and then sexually assault you," Brock said, his lecher's grin still plastered on his face, his eyes focused on Ash's lower body.

Ash's face paled considerably. He noticed the large tent in Brock's pants, and had a terrible feeling he knew what the source of it was.

"So, moron, I am going to teach you...the hard way...EMPHASIS ON THE HARD...what happens when you're this grotesquely stupid. Onix, flip him over!"

Onix groaned in acknowledgment, moving so Ash was still in his powerful Bind, but was now face-down, his ass and cock exposed.

Ash heard the ruffling of Brock's pants falling to the ground, and shuddered in revulsion. It was one thing to be cramming himself into a Pikachu, but for HIM to be raped? Just because he believed that friendship (however rape-filled) was the key to success?

Suddenly, from very close behind him, he heard Brock's voice again, laughing.

"Is that what you call a cock? Oh my god, it's like a little deformed Caterpie!"

Flushing in shame, Ash said nothing.

"Let me show you what a REAL cock is like," Brock said happily, and Ash suddenly felt something hard and warm pressing between his ass cheeks. It ran along the crack, going from prodding the flesh just below his balls to his entrance, where it started pushing forward insistently.

"No...please, don't!" Ash yelled, squirming and trying to free himself. Onix's grip was unmovable, however...although the feeling of a naked boy in his grasp was starting to arouse the gigantic rock monster.

Brock grinned and pushed harder, feeling the tight ring of muscles strain to resist the large invader. Without any lubrication, penetration was difficult, but it was occurring...just very slowly and painfully.

Ash cried out as he felt his anus start to give, allowing the thick erection to start sliding into him. Oh god, it hurt! It burned like a dozen Charmanders! It stung like a hundred Beedrills!!!

Unwilling to wait any longer, Brock grunted and shoved himself balls-deep into our young hero. Not allowing Ketchum the time to adjust, he began pounding the tight virgin ass with reckless abandon.

Writing in agony, Ash tried to stabilize his mind by thinking of Pokemon metaphors for the experience. Fuck, it was a like a whole herd of Dugtrios were making a new tunnel in his ass! Or like a Steelix was squirming around in there!


The sound of flesh slapping flesh filled the dark, echo-y Gym, along with the heavy breathing of Brock and Ash. By this point, Onix had himself a good ol' five-foot boner...or is that stoner?...and was grinding it against the gym floor, digging sharp gouges in the hard stone ground.

Suddenly, Jessie, James, and Meowth burst in through the front door!

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all peoples within our OH MY FUCKING GOD!"

The three Rockets' jaws dropped at the sight of their sworn enemy getting sodomized by the town's Gym Leader...with Onix masturbating furiously against the ground as it held the poor little boy.

"Let's get the hell out of here!" James shouted, pretending the sight of that young kid getting violated didn't arouse him.

"Meowth! That's right!"

As the three bolted, Brock stepped up the pace, pumping Ash's tight anus so hard that even Onix was barely able to hold the pair steady. Ash felt a burning shame as his tiny penis grew erect from all the contact on his prostate...and a burning pain from the fact that A NINE INCH COCK WAS IN HIS ASS WITHOUT ANY LUBRICATION.

"If only that redhead could see you now," Brock laughed. "Maybe I'll look her up when you're in the hospital from all the rectal trauma."

Ash began crying now, because he knew Misty had been watching from the windows the whole time. What's worse was she'd started to draw a crowd, who were all silently watching the scene, munching popcorn and Cheri Berries.

Brock felt his orgasm approach, and thrust in and out of the tender puckered hole as fast as he could...and then, with a loud groan that would make an Exploud envious, released his hot cum into Ash's bowels.

After a few moments of allowing the tight passage to milk out every drop of his seed, Brock pulled out quickly and mercilessly, making Ash grunt in sharp pain.

However, it was then that Brock noticed that his Pokemon hadn't achieved release yet!

"Poor Onix...I'll tell you what. You take him now. I'll fuck his mouth while you do."

Ash's eyes widened in disgust and fear. "But...you just fucked me in the ass!!! You can't be serious!"

Brock looked at him for a minute with a sly smile before he spoke. "I find it somewhat amusing that you're more worried about ass-to-mouth than a GIANT ROCK MONSTER FUCKING YOU IN THE ASS. Maybe that says something about you, my friend."

Before Ash could respond, Onix had released him from his Bind, and slithered over to his backside. Brock moved in front of his collapsed form, already erect again, and lifted Ash's chin up.

"Open wide, my little idiot."

With a sobbing breath, Ash took the cock into his mouth, nearly vomiting at the thought of it being in his asshole minutes before. The taste, the smell! It was like an orgy in his mouth, except made up entirely of Grimers!

However, the humiliation from this oral contact was very quickly overshadowed by the terrible sensation of something very, very hard and rough pressing against his sore, gaping anus.


Onix's cock was about five feet long and as thick as an adult human's arm.

Dear. God.

It suddenly pushed its way into Ash's bruised bowels, managing to force an entire foot into him. Onix began to pump, causing Ash to be lifted off the floor. Brock held on to Ash's shoulders tightly, going along for the ride.

It was truly a sight to behold for the crowd that had gathered outside. An Onix was sodomizing a young boy, so hard that he was whipping his mighty stone dick through the air like a tea-stirring rod, with the town's noble gym leader holding onto the boy for dear life (and oral sex).

Ash screamed muffled shouts of pain around Brock's thick, thrusting penis, unable to handle the burning, scouring agony of the thick stone cock bulldozing his bowels. Luckily, it didn't last long; Onix had nearly reached orgasm by grinding on the floor, so within five minutes, he was attaining climax.

A massive twenty-gallon explosion of cum erupted from the tip of Onix's enormous penis, sending Ash flying off of the hard organ with an audible popping noise (think balloon-popping...). The NOBLE TRAINER FROM PALLET and Brock crashed through the front window of the Gym and rolled to a stop on the ground in front of the crowd, where Brock finished himself off in Ash's throat with a series of hard, brutal thrusts.

For a moment, nobody moved; they merely stared at the two cum-soaked and dusty males on the ground, and at the Onix who poked his head through the shattered window, a cigarette in its stony mouth. Then the crowd erupted into cheers, pulling Brock up onto their shoulders and crowdsurfing him away to the Pokemon Center, where the gym leader would receive a hero's welcome and a starring role in Poke-Porn 7: Return of the Ninetales.

Ash lay on the ground alone now, except for Misty, who stood over him with an impassive look on her face.


He didn't respond; he merely lay at her feet, crying, coughing up cum, and wondering if his ass would ever feel normal again.

"Wow wow wow," Misty repeated, and Ash, thinking that maybe she'd been impressed at the show...as humiliating as it was...thought that maybe she'd give him some as a reward or something.

But when he looked up, he saw that her gaze was training on Onix...and his enormous rock penis.

Misty waved a half-hearted farewell to the battered trainer, walking over to the mighty Pokemon, who slithered off with her to the nearest Motel 6.

As the sun beat down on Ash's naked, shattered body, he closed his eyes and sighed in shamed defeat.

But hey, at least now he learned that ground types were immune to electric attacks.



It's one of my older stories, but I'm still proud of it.

Ash deserves to be raped.


If you shoot Ash in the head he'd live because there's no brain inside.

Maybe episode two should be "Brock skullfucks Ash while Ash is still alive".

i can mispell all i want so dont tell me to eat a cooike its good but you have a hour long commet so i am going to talk for two houers now dragon ball z is cool i dont like yoyr vidios so dont tell me on your lifeso eat a cookie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lazer clap ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah ahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahaha i am so funnie so thare eat nothing

Either you're an alt, or the stupidest moron that's ever walked the earth.

I laughed so hard that I had literally cerebrospinal fluid dripping from my nose.
or whatever

The Further Misadventures of Ash Ketchup
