I don't even know what this is! This sort of thing ain't my bag, baby!

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Scientology is a shitty, money-greedy, brainwashing cult. I hope Anon fucking tears their site (and cult) a new one.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks those people are wrong.

(I also hope they die in a fire.)

We must find a way to destroy their Thetans.

L. Ron had a way to "exteriorize" them---shooting someone in the head with a Colt .45 (not making this up)---but not to destroy them

If we had an anti-Thetan device, we could send them Scientologists scurrying!

i dont think its right to "hope they die in a fire" pizza (stevensa = pizza)
it involves brainwashing, the newer members are brainwashed to think that way

why wish the worst of them? itd be better to help them

Pity them all you want, but remember that they are dangerous, and would not hesitate to attack you if you cross them.

Now I think Scientology is evil (and I didn't know what Scientology was before I read this). I still don't think people who follow it should die in a fire though.

The Sea Org, at the very least, should catch on fire. Those are the bonkers guys who understand just how much of a scam it really is.

instead of pitying them itd be better to support them and help them out of the cult

Wouldn't work very well. Scientologists are taught to "disconnect" from anyone critical of the 'religion'...including friends and family (even children). Hell, bookstores have been labeled "Suppressive" for not carrying Hubbard's books.

The key to destroying Scientology is to destroy the money-fueled legal machine at its core. Money is the blood of the cult---without it, it dies.

This is starting to sound weird...It's like you're going to wage war on Scientology and everything related to it...although I wouldn't be surprised if that's what your plan is.

Wasn't my plan. ;-)

Just a soldier, not a general.


Scientologists don't believe in lulz.

WAIT A MINUTE... something is missing here... aren't you obbsesed with...

I'm obsessed with a lot of things.

you merely dont state your opinions of scientology and just help them get out of it SUBTLY
duh dont you know anyfin? ^.^

One of the most effective (and realistic) ways to deal Scientology a huge blow would be to make it lose its tax-exempt status in the United States. The machine would live on, but the money flow would be slowed and the publicity effects of such a defeat would be enormous.


Yeah,Scientology makes no sense at all.And if there is any way to pull a religion out you'r arse,I think thats what L Ron did.

And I found a good YTMND about it.
<a href="http://theunfunnytruth.ytmnd.com/">http://theunfunnytruth.ytmnd.com/</a>

"If you want to make a little money, write a book. If you want to make a lot of money, create a religion."

---L. Ron Hubbard

It is a stupid pseudo-religion, obviously thought up just to make money, but remember (and this is more to all the other readers than to Slash himself), this is only a war on the organized Cult of $ciFitology, not on the religious practices of common believers. This is not about Xenu or the DC-8s with rockets, this is about Lisa McPherson, who joined the cult at age 18, and was dead by age 20. This is not about E-meters or thetans, it is about Operation Snow White, the largest infiltration that has ever happened to the United States government, which was operated by the "prophet" of the Cult, L. Ron Hubbard, and his wife, in order to erase any bad records of his cult. This is about the people who have lost all their property, all their money, even their lives, to this money-hungry sect.


Religious holy wars can be put on the shelf. This is about justice and real-world accountability. Scientology will not be allowed to continue its decades-long slew of criminal action.

If anyone is in a city with a Scientology installation, check the internet to see if there's a protest scheduled there. And if there is, GO. FOR GREAT JUSTICE.

hahahhaah they harassed a guy who had nothing to do with Scientology

good fucking going anonymous

g00ns were defeated by Whois shenanigans.

The same mistake shall not occur again.

How did you ever get a first hand account from a member of Scientology that could actually be put together into reasonable thought...i once was in a chat room with a member the cult and I asked her to state her beliefs and upon doing so they proceeded to contradict herself in what seemed to be a plot to confuse me to the point that i would give up and agree with her craziness. I believe that followers of this cult at some point try to bring us all in example while on the Today Show Tom Cruse was asked how he could get more people to understand Scientology and he dodged the question's real answer and gave a confused sounding one (You just communicate about it," Cruise said. "If I want to know something, I go and find out. Because I don't talk about things that I don't understand." which makes it sound like he does not know anything about Scientology other then its the big thing with other stars.) Also in the same interview Tom claims to know all about psychiatry and without knowing it a master of neurology who other the mad man or someone in a cult would believe that they have been give all the knowledge and understanding that they seek.

Scientologists are forbidden to talk about certain materials, so if you get one flustered, it means they accidentally let something slip and are freaking out about being placed in a lower Condition.

One of the key requirements of being a Scientologist is bringing in new recruits (to get their stats up---low stats lead to severe penalties), so don't be surprised if they spout anything to try to get you to come down to the local org, even if what they say is contradictory.

Throught this onesided, opinionated news post, we see no other option, just the one you present. You also have no information of your own -- Just various links showing other propaganda against scientology. All of your links but one come from the same website, (the other one coming from wikipedia) this carnagie melon school of computer science. Not to mention that I've never heard of such a school, (unlike Ohio state, standford, hell, even ITT Tech) the school is quite obviously one of computer science. Not to even mention that anybody can set up a website, no matter whether the facts are true or not, Just mention that I wouldn't go to a doctor to learn how to sail, just like i wouldn't go to a sailing instructor to get a checkup. So I wouldn't really trust all that much a school about computers when it comes to theology. Just like I wouldn't trust Moody U with computers (although, personally, I wouldn't trust Moody at all).

Other than the fact that all of this could be pulled straight out of your Arse, this kaufman could be lying about his experience, this school could be just a facade for some horny teens with too much time on their hands, any one number of things could be bullshit. Other than all that, do you actually have anything that is or could be accredited? How am I (or anybody else for that matter) supposed to believe something that has no viable proof behind it?

Oh, and did I semi - mention that if you look at the link destination of the links you seemingly hand out their all from the same guy, this Kaufman. So your using the same example over and over again. No, I didn't read this whole thing. I don't expect that you did, either. There seems to be about 60 links each with writing like 60 pages long. Too lazy. But i read enough to get the gist of what happened... did you?

The only thing that you did give us that was semi-accredited was this wikipedia thing, and even that could be bullshit because wikipedia allows anybody to edit it, all you'd have to do is write blah blah blah a million times, and then source it for numerous websites and you'd meet their "quality" standards.

Not to say that I support scientology at all. All I really know about the cult is that it was founded by Ron L. Hubbard, and Cruise is in it. And that it's a bullshit religion.

Care to respond to all that?

Propaganda? Kaufman is widely regarded as one of the earliest and most informative former Scientologists to ever spill the classified materials and physical/mental abuse within the ranks of the so-called religion, associated with other notable Scientology critics/victims such as Paulette Cooper (famous for being framed for making bomb threats in the Church's Operation Freakout). Saying that he's not a reliable source is like saying Edison wouldn't be a reliable source for a research paper on light bulbs.

Kaufman's writing isn't just on a website---the book was published in the early 1970's, although it is exceedingly difficult to find in print today. That's what happens when the Church of Scientology sues your publisher into bankruptcy and sues libraries into no longer carrying them.

Thankfully the internet has proven to be an enormously effectively tool against their well-documented history of frivolous copyright lawsuits and threats, and his writing lives on to show the ominous origins of this cult and its continuing growth and influence. And while Wikipedia isn't citable in itself, it's wise to follow some of the citations and establish their credibility.

I actually have read the entirety of the book, incidentally. Very good read. Chilling, too. It's easy to look at South Park and the like and think, "lol, Xenu, these guys are nuts. How cute." It's a bit more difficult to look at other occurrences---such as Operation Snow White, possibly the largest case of domestic spying during the Cold War, leading to nearly a dozen high-ranking Scientologists being convicted of various federal crimes---and still think it's a joke. Not easy to think it's just about aliens and pyramid schemes when you read about plans to infiltrate the government of a large city to prepare for relocation of headquarters.

But hey, maybe federal court transcripts and Pulitzer-winning news reports aren't valid sources, either.

sorry, but using propaganda against propaganda just makes you a hypocrite.

Propaganda is not what it is. There are a million sources available for seeing the dark side of the 'Church' of Scientology, but other than Kaufman, who you don't seem to trust, my favorite source is the court transcript from the proceedings of United States v. Mary Sue Hubbard (and a shitload of other Scientologists)...the ones who got busted snooping around and trying to tamper with federal documents and found that it's not as easy to settle out-of-court with the United States government as it is with frightened and harassed citizens.

While Newgrounds doesn't seem to want my html to work, I stuck a link to that obscenely complicated document in the post.

Great info, thanks for the links, because I'd heard of this guy's work, but as you said... They try to make it... difficult... to obtain anything damaging to them. I'm also a big fan of "Sinners" and was wondering: is Jirachism suppoesed to be... Because I know you mention that it IS based on real-world things, so, yeah. Thanks, and great work!
Oh, and my personal anecdote here: My mother's cousin (not sure what that makes me) was a pretty normal guy and we hung out sometimes, he was about 5 years older than me, but then I heard my parents saying he had become a Scientologist, and I noticed that he stopped coming to family gatherings, and when I tried emailing him, he replied with some of the most circuitious logic bullsh*t that I've ever had the misfortune of reading. It was sad that somebody who I sort of looked up to was completely changed and destroyed by a hateful, greedy cult like this. And not even 3 years later (mid 2004) he got really sick, but he only used it as an excuse to isolate himself from even his wife, siblings, and parents. He blasted everyone he knew with hateful, spiteful messages however he could spread them to us, to everyone I know that knew him. And this was only because his wife had begged him to see a doctor. We don't even know what was wrong with him, because the local HQ or whatever they call themselves took it upon themselves to declare that we weren't allowed to have his body for a funeral, even on with his customs. They wouldn't let his body be taken to the morgue, and we don't even know for sure what they did with it. It really hurt me that a human being could be so... inhuman, so blatantly, obscenely uncaring. He was like the big brother I never had, but still, it didn't matter to them. I have no love for any of these people or their hateful practices, in or out of the courts. I truly do hope these fu*kers get what's coming to them someday...
-Signing off... NonaS

No, Jirachism is sort of an commentary/amalgam of organized religion and other discrimination. I think I best described it in one of my review responses:


The Jirachian views don't reflect any one religion or any one example of discrimination...it's actually formed from a combination of them all, so that the message may be more broad. The commonality of the bigotry is based on the multi-religion opinion of homosexuality, which even the 'non-religious' often share. The stupidity of it is based on the anti-miscegenation era of the United States, where interracial relationships were denounced with Bible verses and misuse (slander, even) of the term 'natural'. The hatred they show towards it is based on the modern societal views of incest or bestiality. Even the casual (yet catastrophic) dismissal of Pokemon as needing to be subservient is a reflection on the chauvinism that exists plenty today---oft-defended by religious references to the so-called women's place.


Scientology is too whacky to make any serious social commentary on it. I mean, unless Slash and Psymakio are going to be captured by Team Rocket and forced to take auditing sessions, there's no way I can do it. XD

Yeah, the Church is responsible for quite a few "passive" deaths---supporting a view that modern medical treatment is unnecessary, which combined with their disconnection policies can lead to people dying from treatable problems. It's no different than the nuts who don't take their dying children to the hospital, believing that prayer can cure them. No different at all.