I don't even know what this is! This sort of thing ain't my bag, baby!

Age 39, Male

[Retired NG'er]

Old Folks' Home

Joined on 6/14/03

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I agree with you 100%. The American horror genre is going down the tube, the only slightly good movies that come out are just re-makes of WAY superior foreign horror films. I'm getting sick and tired of all the mindless slasher films and the low budget "artistic" horror films. You just don't see horror movies these days that compare with the classics, or even the ones from the 70s' and 80s' like Phantasm and Hellraiser. Its sad, really . .

Look at me, I'm too cool to respond to newsposts.

Never saw the movie by the way, I'm not really into horror movies and it seemed horribly overrated.

I didn't watch the 2nd one because I thought the same thing about the first PA

I did watch it as well, but you're pretty much covered everyone's thoughts on that.
I DoNt know what the hell the producers are thinking " hahaha... we know it's sht, but if we flood the market with it, then that's all people will have to watch, and we'll make millions, hell we don't even have to put any effort into it, they'll just get crappier and crappier, and we'll be rich!!! muhahaha!!!"
---- ...... very origional thinking people....
anyways, nice to see that some people out there feel the same way.

i thought it was funny to watch though. there was no real script for the movie, they took two people and told them "this is what needs to happen by the end of the movie, have fun" so you cant expect TO much from it :P

ive only ever seen like 3 scary movies: texas chainsaw massacre, final destination 2, and paranormal activity. i need to watch more

I know what you mean.
When I watched it was literally about 30 minutes of previews and then I didn't realize the movie started cause I thought another preview was starting then I realized it was the actual movie.

I've seen the 1910 version of Frankenstein.
Its up on Youtube.