I don't even know what this is! This sort of thing ain't my bag, baby!

Age 39, Male

[Retired NG'er]

Old Folks' Home

Joined on 6/14/03

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Oh, I get it! The word "cum" sounds like "come" and its a Jesus fanfic, so it refers to his second "cumming" instead of "coming"!

you have uncovered my SINISTER PLAN


That is one of the prominent themes, yes.

I fucking love you.

The sequel will have at least 50% more HOT GAY SEX

Still kindof a sick fuck after this time.

What's up?


Well this explains why i havn't seen an Update for Sinners.
Also...the part about the Protesting at the funneral...As a memeber of the military myself i feel angered at the actions of the 'church' that did that. A church that Mind you is only membered by the founders extended family.
Sorry slash for making this into a debate but this is the first i've heard someone give support to us. and the fic was really good so yeah . Congratz on a job well done.

This is old, actually. So don't worry, it didn't cut into Sinners, lol.

...though the sequel might a little. Still, I wrote this in one sitting, way back when, so the sequel might occur just as smoothly. I don't put as much effort into silly little projects like this, especially since it's half-parody.

And yes, Fred Phelps is a greasy cock.

I'm gonna copypaste this on every christian and muslim forum I can find.


Unfortunately having Abraham or Moses getting gay doesn't have the same level of effect. But I might do it anyway. Double-date with Jesus and Muhammad, followed by a little partnerswapping? Hey, they're all consenting adults!

Great Work Slash! Not exactly my cup of tea but still awesome. But, i think you know the real reason i reviewed...Sinners...It's been 2 months. 2 MONTHS!! You said that you would update more frequently with shorter chapters. Please, I'm begging you! More Sinners! I Will preform any task no matter how lowly for another chapter. Please, just finish this Arc then you can take as long as you want!

In conclusion, I enjoyed your story. Thank you for your time.

I'm working at it, lol. I was planning to finish my sequel to this old oneshot before finishing Sinners, but I've decided against it. I won't put a definite due date on the Sinners chapter, but "soon". It's nearly complete, but I gotta put a lot of finishing touches on it, since it's a very important chapter...

The only thing I can really say is, you will be going to hell...and I will gladly meet you there. :D

Awesome story, actually, I am not sure what else to say. Ran across your name while looking for the zombie game "i Remain", was curious and clicked on ya. Glad to see I did, because you got some real guts...writin' and postin' the stuff you do. I admire that.

I am actually saddened by the lack of death threats this has gotten. It got a handful way back when I first wrote it (it may have helped that I uploaded it to AFF on Easter, lol), mostly split half-and-half with Christians and Muslims, but still...

It must simply need more exposure...

Ahh, I remember this. You know, it was this story, and one of the early chapters in Sinners that took away my homophobia when I was a little younger. It was those few preachy lines that really did question why I hated gays. Until I realized there was no reason. I just followed the Medium and assumed them to be despicable human beings who have no right to disobey what we are all programmed to do. But since I hadn't practiced Catholicism since the day after 1st Confession (age 7 or 8 ish), I couldn't even use that as an excuse for my hate.

Ironically, The Pope has proven that Catholicism really isn't against homosexuality and pedophilia. If they were, they'd have done SOMETHING to stop it inside their own churches.

Now, I'm not gay because I'm tolerant of gays (contrary to popular belief). If I had a gay friend, the only way I'd treat him any different is not try to hook him up with any girls. But I'm also not a preachy asshole that claims people to be "close-minded" just because they don't embrace gay people. Seriously, I'd rather hang out with the other extreme.

Anyway, hurry up with Sinners, mate. It must have been February when you said three weeks. And now three months have passed. The sooner Slash and his new pals get back to Mauville, the sooner we can get to the SUPER HARDCORE GARDIE BUTTSECKS.

...oh, and to the next part of the story, of course. This has to be the best fan-fiction (yes, I'm calling it that), that I've ever read.

i am a notorious failure with updates

it'll get there though

omg HAWT


So how do you propose we bring stat-whoring to the admins' attention?

It's been tried, they don't care unless it's outright rulebreaking (stolen, malicious, etc).. Only a totalitarian approach could slow spam (stopping it is impossible), like Portal mods and shit, and they're not willing to go that far. Normal spam is a minor nuisance, anyway. It's only shit like the Duck Division's antics that actually pose any sort of threat.

That was hot.

It was very HARD to write this.

JESUS, what an account! :O

I am a nerd god.

your one cool kid.

i gave this site the best years of my life and all i got was a shiny icon




try again

a n****r and white trash having sex i love it

Muhammad was white?

I have this idea where I read the FAQ and flashes get blamed from not how good they are.It can be the best flash in the world but it can still get banned so I thought why not take over newgrounds by forming the blam crew.We get a soiled team with a high voting pow.My voting pow is small but It will grow over time and I can still help.But every flash we see in the flash portal we vote 0 and if enough people do it we can kill newgrounds.So who wants to destroy the flash portal and kill newgrounds


I find this hilarious, were i not an atheist i would be offened.

Huzzah for atheism!

This man writes about pornography! I can respect that...

Next time Buddha will be there and running a sex toy shop. Enlightenment wasn't all that it's cracked up to be.

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