I don't even know what this is! This sort of thing ain't my bag, baby!

Age 39, Male

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Old Folks' Home

Joined on 6/14/03

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Hmm, so it seems, a massive slaughter without real reason. Get better, the swine flu isn't as lethal as they say in less ocerpupulated countries with awarness for medial careness.

The amount of paranoia around the world is astounding and depressing. :-(

dude get better man even thou soppusedly there is no cure it is still influenza meaning it is a flu wich a normal flu has a cure they just did'n find try goin online type in spirulina that i said to be "A MIRACLE PILL" oh and good thing your not getting deleted there would of been chaos with no one telling how to prevent spam and other crap and i almost forgot happy pico day

There's no "cure" for the flu, only vaccines which reduce the chances of catching it and reduce the effects if contracted. Of course, since the flu mutates constantly, new vaccines must constantly be created, since old ones lose effectiveness as the virus changes.

The fact that there's no cure doesn't mean you should be worried, though, since healthy people who get their shots deal with the virus on their own without much trouble.

I kno. Little kids and old ppl die of everything, even a heat wave can kill them

fuckin pussies >>


Holy shit! If the flu goes on like this without medicine, humanity would probrably sooner die, just because of.....MEXICANS!!!!!!! AGH!!!

Even without vaccines, the flu is only a minor threat unless you're very young, very old, or very sick. Vaccines help, though, although you need to get the most recent versions (to deal with new and mutating strains) for it to be notably effective.

Hopefully they won't make the same mistake Gerald Ford did, when the swine flu hit in 1976. They rushed out a vaccine without bothering with the proper testing and a number of people got GBS (Guillain-Barre Syndrome); while side effects are unavoidable, they could have been reduced with a bit more patience and study.

Well hope fully you get the right vacines well get better dude keep in mind we all here for ya

Your sympathy would be better given to someone at risk of severe illness, not a 23 year old who shrugs off most sicknesses within a week.

It's not Flu Season, it's Allergy Season. How do I know this? Why I suffer from pollen.

plant jizz


Also, Dslash, Mexicans are the ones that make sure the Emos and Scences don't multiply and damage the avg. of humanity's intelligence and logic. Makes the, Dramacrats', EDiots', Trolls' and /b/tards' jobs easier of holding the newfaggotory down.

I've been spending a good deal of my Newgrounds time browsing the recent blog pages for swine flu-related posts and letting them know how overblown this "crisis" is. There's a disappointingly high number of people who believe this is the Black Death.


lol. swine flu is a load of bull shi*


Still, Dead Mexicans = Living Emo kids = Moar work for me.

I'm starting to hope it DOES go Captain Trips and start killing everyone. All my re-assurances would be wrong, but the people would finally have what they want---mindless panic!


people are always afraid of what they don't understand look at our history, just kill what you don't know and somehow we'll learn something. Thats just the way people are stupid.

People are indeed stupid.

This whole Swine Flu shit is being blown WAY out of proportion. Yes, it is horrible that those people died but it's because they have little to no immune systems. This flu is just like any other flu and I think we need to treat it as such and not shit our pants when someone gets sick. With the way we act, if someone so much as sneezed we upgrade to Level 5 contamination and we start rounding up anyone who had a sniffle and put them into a camp.
It's exaggerated, I know, but not by much.

The WHO Pandemic Severity Index is a joke. It should be tossed aside and re-written into something that details both spread AND severity. A class six pandemic should be fuckin' vampirism or something, not this pitiful little case of the sniffles.